It came incredibly timely, as I was musing on a way of welcoming some new twitter friends I've come to appreciate really fast.
I felt incredibly welcomed on Twitter, once I found out how to interact there that is, heh, so I wanted to spread this feeling around. There is no better opportunity than this. :)
So, to the fun part, I grant the One Lovely Blog Award to:
- Jodi MacArthur, of Fiction Writer - Jodi MacArthur
- Annie Syed, of Trial of Words: Writings and Fragments
- Valerie, of As the Moon Climbs
- Jeanne V. Bowerman, of ramblings of a recovering insecureaholic. A small confession here: I've known Jeanne for a while on twitter. She's the #twitterPIMPangel everyone talks about, and the incredibly cool moderator of #ScriptChat. Since I've found out about her blog only now, I gave myself the liberty to bend the rules a bit, heh. ;P
- Susan Bearman, of 2KoP: Two Kinds of People
- Kathryn Magendie, of Tender Graces
- Jim Wisneski, of writers 'n writers
- Estrella Azul, of Life's a Stage
- Margo Gremmler, of Margoblog
- Catherine Russel, of Ganymeder
- Barry Northern, of 21st Century Writer. Psst, check out his cool CYOA project - Choose Your Own Adventure. ;)
- Jem, of Jemfyr
- Claudia Hall Christian, of On a Limb With Claudia. I've also known Claudia for a while, but I just found out about her blog. She's the co-moderator of the incredibly educating and welcoming twitter chat #BookMarket, along with Carol Corbett. Must check out!
- Carrie, of Purelycarrie Blog
- Aindan Fritz, of Aidan Writes.
Whew, what a generous award! Finding fifteen new blogs to spread the love isn't as easy as it seems. Sorry folks, for the extra work I'm giving you with this thing. ;P
Just a final reminder, here are this award's rules:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered.
3. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.