Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Poll - Which Story Should I Submit to BOFF #2?

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For reasons that don't matter anymore I haven't submitted a story to The Best of Friday Flash, Vol. 1. The deadline for the volume #2 is getting closer (June 2), and I'm excited to give it a try, but I have a dilemma. I don't know which story to submit!

Would you care to give an opinion?

I've selected three stories that I believe would have some appeal, and I'd like you to vote on the one you like the most. Please use the gadget on the side bar to choose one of these:

  • Zombie Walk - My first ever #FridayFlash, which got published at Flashes in the Dark ezine. It's a humorous horror story. I call it horror only because there are flesh-eating zombies in it, otherwise it'd be the good old fantasy. :P
  • The P Word - The first story of my fantasy serial The Sweetest Trolls, which is also at The Penny Dreadful. I'm only thinking on submitting this one because at first it wasn't written as the first episode of a serial, but as a stand alone story. People liked it so much that it became a huge project with 52 episodes. Awesome, eh? :D
  • Train Day - That's a slice of life I'm quite fond of. It's based on real facts and I'm thinking of submitting this one because of the positive reaction I got from my beloved readers. I love you guys! 
So, please go to the sidebar and cast a vote. If you have a different fave, please don't be shy, give it a shout on the comments. 

To make things easy, here's a link to all stories published so far

Ah, don't forget to submit your own story, and nominate your favorite of all on the People's Choice of BOFF #2. There are too few nominations so far! 


  1. Former-Witch FriendMay 3, 2011 at 5:49 AM

    "It's Coming" is my favorite for this poll!

  2. --John and Former-Witch: Thanks for casting a vote! This poll is as slow as my present ability of making a decision. lol

  3. I bet you can guess which one I voted for! Muah!

  4. --Maria: Thanks for the vote!

    --Jodi: Thanks, darling! And also thanks for your comment on Genevieve's book review. I'm thrilled that you purchased the book! I hope you'll like it. :)

  5. I liked them all, but either zombie walk or the train. I have a soft spot for zombies though. :p

  6. --Cathy (gany): Thanks for the vote and the comment! It seems my zombies are here to stay, heh.

  7. Thanks everyone who voted! Zombie Walk won the poll by large majority, while Train Day has got a good number of votes. I found it intriguing that The P Word got only one vote. Hmmm...


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