Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Uh, oh! Randomities Won a Double Award!

The lovely - and now super-busy - Anne Tyler Lord granted Rantomities not one but two blog awards at once. Thank you so much Anne! :)

You all probably know by now that there are slightly different rules for each award, but they all encompass: 1) Thanking who awarded you, and 2) Passing it on to a certain number of  people, letting them know that you did so. 

Well, since I am sort of a rebel when it comes to blog awards, I'm going to maintain the basic above and change (almost) all the rest. 

I'm passing this double award to fewer people than the normal, and since I'm changing everything the only rule I'd like the following friends to keep is to pass these on together, as Anne and I did. Just to make things interesting. ;)

Most awards ask us to tell something about ourselves, so you can kill your curiosity at this old post and this other one. There's nothing new to tell, I'm afraid, except my reasons to keeping things for myself, if you didn't know them yet. 

Now to the fun part, I'm passing on the double award to:


  1. Congrats on the double awards and to the people you passed them on to! I hope Anne pokes her head out of the bat cave soon, she's missed!

  2. I was wondering where Anne was lately. But woo! on the awards. Well done.

  3. --Laura and Phyl: Thanks! I miss Anne too.

    Did you notice how many people are more distant from the web lately? I'm thinking more and more of a collective consciousness. A positive aspect of this period seems to be the many book launches that came up these last few weeks, like Laura's, Icy's ebook, Monica's, Friday Flash #1 and others.

    What do you guys think?

  4. I think that's true, at least it is for me. When I'm writing, I don't have many brain cells left for a web presence. (I'm working on the 2nd Dream Assassin Novel right now) But I try to always catch my favorite bloggers, like you. :)

  5. Congrats!! Love the double pass :)

  6. Congrats Mari! Well-deserved. And keep up the great work!

  7. Hi! I am out of the bat cave for the second time this week! Hi Laura, Jemi, Mari, Phyl. I am attempting to make a come-back. Working has really taken it out of me, but after 2 months I am missing everyone online sooooo much!

    Congrats on the awards, of course - You can tell and know how much I appreciate you and your friendship!!

    I hope to be popping on & off more when NaNo arrives (been doing research for my novel in my limited spare time).

    Hey, I just noticed on your sidebar that you have your series at The Penny Dreadful! Congrats!! I am out of the loop, but hoping to get back!

    Hope to see you all soon!!

  8. Congrats on the double award, you most definitely deserve it!
    And thank you so much Mari, I'm double honored!

  9. --Laura: Awww, thanks! I so appreciate you and your visits. Good to know you're in full swing with the sequel! In my case is "real life" that prevents me from whatever. blegh

    --Jemi and Karen (moderndaystoryteller): Thanks darlings!

    --Anne Ohh, thanks for peaking off your cave, dear! We all miss you terribly too. *hugs*

    I'm sure excited about The Penny Dreadful, thanks for noticing. :D

    --Estrella: Thanks! It was my pleasure passing them on to you. You deserve the double honor. ;)


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