Not that this is a creepy award by itself, but who awarded me is a horror writer, Jodi MacArthur. She gave it a chilly reading that was rather entertaining, so I decided to play along.
Here are some facts about me that I'm supposed to share. This time I seriously doubt you'll guess what is true and what's not, but go ahead and give it a try.
- I have a gremlin. Not one of those cute fur balls, I'm talking about the post-water midnight thing.
- Do you know the movie Paranormal Experiences? Yeah.
- I have an insect-eating carnivorous pet that is not a pony, but it's creepy all the same. (Just to clarify, Jodi's Pony doesn't feed on insects. Well, that depends of one's point of view, really.)
- I've met vampires. Yes, I did use the plural here on purpose. I'm sorry to say that I didn't meet cool mermaids or fairies or unicorns, but the old cliché. I'm a bit worried after these encounters, as lately I've been less garlic-tolerant, the light hurts my eyes, and I feel sleepy in daylight. Should you fear meeting me in person?
- My skin is marked forever. It's blackened.
- I hear voices. They tell me to do bad things to people.
- I've once had a vision. A few weeks later it became true.
Now to the fun part. I'm going by the rules when I nominate seven bloggers for this award, but I'd like to propose a challenge of the sorts, hereby changing said rules just a bit. (see original below)
I dare the following bloggers to spread the chill. Make your lies and truths the more scary, ugly, grotesque as you can. Of course you don't have to, but I do dare you to, heh. ;P
>> Anne Tyler Lord, at Don't Fence Me In
>> Marisa Birns, of Out of Order Alice
>> Sam, of Future Nostalgic
>> Laura Eno, of A Shift In Dimensions
>> Jemi Fraser, of Just Jemi
>> Karen Quah, of ModernDayStoryTeller
>> Brian, of The New Author
Finally, the dreaded and mostly disrespected rules (at least by me, heh):
1. Thank the person who gave this to you.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you.
4. Tell up to six outrageous lies about yourself, and at least one outrageous truth – or – switch it around and tell six outrageous truths and one outrageous lie.
5. Nominate seven “Creative Writers” who might have fun coming up with outrageous lies.
6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them.
Only the wonderful Karen has the guts AND the good humor to bring everyone to the table to discuss all sides of Jane Austen (aka vent) and have a great laugh. Classic post, award well deserved!
ReplyDeleteOnly the wonderful Karen has the guts AND the good humor to bring everyone to the table to discuss all sides of Jane Austen (aka vent) and have a great laugh. Classic post, award well deserved!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, once again Mariana, for another award! I think #3 is true, you have a dog, which is a carnivore, and I know my dog chases bugs and anything else that moves.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on the award and thank you so much for passing it on to me! I'm honored. I love the creepy theme. :)
ReplyDeleteOne of those voices that tell you to do bad things to people... It's not Jane Austen, is it?
ReplyDeleteThanks for this strange honor, Mariana.
And thank you HowDidYouGetThere for the kind words. :)
Oh, I will try to come up with some good ones for this! Thank you for such an interesting reward.
ReplyDeleteI think you have an insect eating pony! yeah.
ReplyDeleteI'm laughing at the person who asked if Jane Austen was whispering to you. LOL
Or maybe you've had a vision that came true. It happens, and you seem like an intuitive person.
So glad you put this up and great people you've tagged!
Love it Mari! Creepy lies and truth - awesome!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tag. I'll have to work on it!
I think I'll guess you've got a gremlin - I've seen a few pets act that way. :)
--Kristi (howdidyougetthere): Thank you, and good guess! I can't confirm yet if it's on the spot or not, but I ask you: can you tell me if I told 6 lies or 6 truths, eh, eh?
ReplyDeleteI guess Karen's instigating spirit got into me, heh.
--Laura: Awesome that you like the theme! I thought that giving this award a different twist would be fun. Can't wait to see what you come up with. :)
--Karen (moderndaystoryteller): Oh, no! Mr. Austen is a kind and gentle woman, who writes (or used to write) excellent novels. If she whispers in my ear, is to inspire my most gentle characters, hehe.
I thought you'd find this strange, but I hope you'll have fun all the same. ;)
--Brian: Cool! Can't wait to peek at your creepiness. ;P
--Jodi: It would be awesome to have an insect eating pony! Are smurfs considered insects, by the way? lol
One thing you're right about the vision thing, I foresaw on twitter, for you and Anne (@annetylerlord), that we'd see each other soon, very soon, and here you are!
So, maybe you're right, but maybe I was teasing you because this damned google reader allowed you to read this post in advance, just because I have a problem with the "publish" button. ha! :P
About the whispering Austen, if you'll like, you can follow the discussion on Karen's blog. Your arguments are strong and reasonable, and I think they'd be a good addition to the thread.
Besides, the post is funny for itself and the comments are hilarious! ;D
--Jemi: Thanks dear, I'll love to see these results!
About the gremlin thing, who said gremlins exist? It's just a movie! Or is it? heh
Congrats on the creepy award :)
ReplyDeleteSo, turning into a vampire are you? Nah, I think you have a gremlin!
Congrats and what a great theme - and I did guess that you have seen a vision and it came true - is that right? or were you just kidding around?
ReplyDeleteThanks for sending it on to me - you have raised the bar and spiced this up a bit! Fun!
--Lua: Oh, I hope not! Vampires, as I conceive them, are *real* monsters! uh
ReplyDeleteA gremlin pet? God forbid! But if I had one, I wouldn't give the poor thing away, would I? heh ;P
--Anne: I'm so glad that you liked my spice! Can't wait what you're going to do with it, heh. :D
About the vision thing, err, I don't know what to say. It's all blurry, lol. :P